*If you would like a copy of the MOBBF Bylaws as a PDF file, send a request by email to missouribbf@gmail.com, and we will reply to the email with the file attached*
Section 1.0 AdoptionIn accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapter 355 of the MO Revised Statutes, the board of directors of MOBBF adopts the following bylaws to regulate and manage the affairs of the MOBBF consistent with law and the articles of incorporation.
Section 2.0 Affiliate ChurchesAffiliation with the MOBBF is open to any Baptist pastor of a supporting Baptist church believing in, and adhering to, the Word of God, and subscribing to the Articles of Faith appended hereto.
Section 3.0 Officers3.1 Designation of Officers and Duties.3.11 CHAIRMAN. The chairman shall preside over all business meetings of MOBBF and shall carry out the action authorized and directed by the board of directors. The chairman shall also serve as a member of the board of directors. The state chairman also represents the MOBBF as one of the National Directors of the BBFI. He is responsible to attend all director business meetings held in conjunction with the National BBFI to represent our state and provide leadership for our Fellowship.
3.12 VICE-CHAIRMAN. The vice-chairman shall act as chairman in the absence of the chairman and shall assist the chairman in the fulfillment of the chairman’s duties. The vice-chairman shall also serve as a member of the board of directors.
3.13 SECRETARY. The secretary shall have responsibility for preparing the minutes of the director’s meetings, for authenticating records of MOBBF, for keeping as permanent records the minutes and actions required by law to be kept at MOBBF principle office and for preparing correspondence on behalf of MOBBF. The secretary shall also serve as a member of the board of directors.
3.14 TREASURER. The treasurer shall maintain all appropriate and required financial statements of income and expenses and shall receive and disburse funds in accordance with the lawful actions of the board of directors. The treasurer shall also serve as a member of the board of directors.
3.2 Qualifications of Officers.Officers must meet the same eligibility requirements set forth herein for directors.
3.3 Terms of Officers.Officers shall have the following terms:
3.31 CHAIRMAN. The term of the chairman shall not exceed three years; however, the chairman may be elected for two consecutive terms.
3.32 VICE-CHAIRMAN.The term of the vice-chairman shall not exceed three years; however, the vice-chairman may be elected for unlimited successive terms.
3.33 SECRETARY. The term of the secretary shall not exceed three years; however, the secretary may be elected for unlimited successive terms.
3.34 TREASURER.The term of the treasurer shall not exceed three years; however, the treasurer may be elected for unlimited successive terms.
3.4 Election of Officers.Officers shall be nominated and elected in the same manner as members of the board of directors.
Section 4.0 DirectorsMOBBF shall be governed by a board of directors which shall be comprised of not fewer than three persons.
4.1 Qualifications of Directors. To qualify as a director the person must be a pastor and member of an affiliate MOBBF Church actively participating in and supporting MOBBF, and the person must accept, believe and practice the Articles of Faith appended hereto.
4.2 Election of Directors.Directors shall be nominated and elected at the annual business meeting of MOBBF as the need arises to replace those whose term will expire. Directors will be elected by a majority vote of those affiliate MOBBF churches in attendance and voting. Each affiliate MOBBF church in attendance shall be entitled to one vote. Nominations shall be from the floor and the election shall be by open vote.
4.3 Terms of Directors.Directors shall have the same term applicable to the office they hold with MOBBF.
Section 5.0 Meetings and Selection of Host Churches5.1 Monthly Meetings. MOBBF meetings will be conducted on a monthly basis, typically, on the first Monday following the first Sunday of each month, however, the date of the monthly meetings may be fixed from time by the board of directors.
5.2 Annual Meetings.The October monthly meeting shall be designated the annual meeting for the purpose of election of officers.
5.3 Host Churches.Pastors desiring to host a monthly meeting must submit a written request to the Chairman for consideration on or before the October meeting. The selection of a host church shall be entirely discretionary with the chairman.
Section 6.0 Committees of the BoardThe board of directors may create one or more committees of the board and appoint two or more directors for each committee, who shall serve at the pleasure of the board. The creation of a committee and the appointment of directors must be approved by a majority of all directors in office.
6.1 Sagmount Camp Property Committee6.11 Property Chairman and Treasurer.There shall be a property chairman and treasurer for the Sagmount Camp Property Committee (both positions can be held by one person) who will be elected at the annual meeting of MOBBF in the same manner as the board of directors.
6.12 Duties of Property Chairman.The Property Chairman shall preside over the Sagmount Camp Committee and shall be under the supervision and control of the board of directors.
6.13 Duties of Property Treasurer.The Property Treasurer shall maintain allappropriate and required financial statements of income and expensespertaining to the Sagmount Camp Property and disburse funds in accordance with the directives of the board of directors.
6.14 Terms of the Property Chairman and Treasurer.The term of the property chairman and treasurer shall not exceed one year, however, the property chairman and treasurer may be elected for two consecutive terms.
6.15 Property Committee Directors.There shall be three directors for the Sagmount Camp Property Committee who will be elected at the annual meeting of MOBBF in the same manner as the board of directors.
6.16 Duties of Property Committee Directors.The Property Committee Directors will conduct the ordinary course of business necessary for the operation of the Sagmount Camp Property under the supervision of the Property Chairman.
6.17 Terms of Property Committee Directors.The term of the property committee directors shall not exceed three years and they shall not serve more than one term.